Why Regular Inspections of Your Fire Alarm System Are Important

Whether you’re a home owner or manage an office or large building, everyone knows the safety and legal importance of a fire alarm system. Because alarm systems are passive, people make use of them only in emergency situations, and this can lead owners to forego vital fire alarm maintenance. The costs of a failed system can be tragically high, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on your maintenance schedule. Here some reasons to make sure you don’t fall behind schedule and keep yours among the best fire alarm systems in Mantua, NJ.

Equipment Lifetimes

Although fire alarm systems require periodic servicing, no system lasts forever.  Besides the building code requirement of periodic test and maintenance adhering to a regular maintenance schedule allows you to catch a total system failure before it’s too late, avoiding potential catastrophe. Moreover, regularly scheduled maintenance allows you to catch worn parts of a system without having to replace the whole thing. Are your alarms securely connected to a power supply? Are your audible horns at the required volume? Have any visual appliances burned out? Regular maintenance allows you to keep these small parts of the system in good working order, so that the system doesn’t fall into disrepair.

False Alarms

For homes, businesses, and large buildings, false alarms make for one of the most frustrating aspects of a fire alarm system. High rates of false alarms may indicate that your system needs maintenance, and one benefit of scheduled maintenance is that it tends to reduce the number of false alarms. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, a technician can spot wear and tear on sensors prone to false alarms and recommend a repair without a full system replacement. Second, regular maintenance allows you to offer supplementary fire protection system training, which benefits new and old employees alike, since a high percentage of false alarms are caused by user error.