Tips for Preventing Home Fires

According to the National Fire Protection Association, property loss from fires costs Americans almost $15 billion per year. Even worse, home fires kill seven people per day on average in the United States. About 80 percent of accidental fire deaths occur at home.

At B Safe Security, we recognize that many of these devastating losses are preventable. Our fire alarm company in Dover, DE, is committed to saving lives and preventing property damage from fires with the help of residential fire safety systems.

Every home should have at least one fire alarm per floor, and ideally one in every bedroom. Fire alarm batteries should be replaced regularly and new alarms should be installed every 10 years. Also, check out these common fire threats and how to reduce them.


Kitchen fires often start on the stovetop. Stove top cooking is the leading cause of home fires. Give what’s cooking on your stovetop your full attention. Don’t get distracted, and don’t leave a pan cooking on the stove as you run to another room to finish up another chore.

Outdoor grills and turkey fryers are also common sources of damaging fires. Grills cause more than 8,500 fires each year. Place your grill or turkey fryer far from home structures and highly flammable items. It’s also critical to regularly clean your outdoor cooking implements.


Portable, electric space heaters are common sources of house fires. Typically, these space heaters ignite items, like bed spreads and curtains, near them. A good rule of thumb is to keep at least 3-feet of empty space around a portable space heater. If you use a fireplace, have the chimney inspected annually, and don’t use the fireplace when there’s no one around to tend to it.


Old electrical systems or cords are also a common cause of fires. Check cords regularly to ensure they’re not frayed or worn out. It’s also important to limit the number of items plugged into a circuit.

When and if the unthinkable fire occurs, smoke detectors and a fire safety system can help limit the damage that results.