Arm Your System Every Time You Leave

We recently saw a statistic that 74% of incomplete and unsuccessful burglaries are due to the presence of an audible burglar alarm in the home. In other words, there are hard numbers that prove your home security system is a worthwhile investment. But does that mean you need to keep it armed all the time? Well, yes – at the very least, every time you plan to leave home. Here is a recent, local example that illustrates why. As soon as we saw this, we knew it had to be shared with our Delaware alarm systems customers.

Arm Your System Every Time You Leave

In late March, a woman returned to her home after a quick trip to the store to find items missing from the home. Toys and electronics, including two children’s bikes, a video game system and a laptop, were missing. It was clear there had been a break-in during the very short time she had been gone. While it isn’t known whether or not the victim had a security system installed at the home, it is clear that if there is one, she didn’t arm it. Those of us who do have a security system installed can learn a valuable lesson from her experience: Arm your system every time you leave, no matter how long (or short) of a time you plan to be gone.

The average successful burglary is completed in a mere 10 minutes’ time. That means most burglars don’t have to wait until you go to work to commit a crime; they can simply do it when you run out for milk and bread. The same goes for picking up the kids from school, going to the post office, or taking dinner to a friend. Any errand or activity you do away from home is an opportunity for a burglar to strike. It may seem silly to arm your system for these short activities, but it just isn’t worth the risk to leave without doing it. We hope that all our Delaware alarm systems customers will take this seriously, and arm their systems before the next errand they run today.